Anatomy and Physiology
Definition of Anatomy: Anatomy is the branch of medical science which deals with the structure of the body, its different parts, organs, their shape, size and location in the body. Definition of Physiology: It is the branch of medical science that deals with the normal functions of living organisms and their parts. Parts of Anatomy: Osteology: Study of bones Myology: Study of muscles Splanchnology(pronc. spanology): Study of organs and glands Heart is made up of cardiac muscles. Largest and longest cartilage is tongue. Speed of a sneeze is 165 km/hr. We have about 5 lakh sweat glands on our feet. Stomach is like the shape of the alphabet ‘J’. We must drink about 2.5-3 litres water daily. Normal B.P of a human being is 120-80mm/hg. The average adult human has about 4.5 to 5.5 liters of blood circulating inside their body Osteology : It deals with the study of bones, its formation, different types, its funct...