
 Sarkarma: Before going to start practicing the limbs of yoga, like Asana, Pranayama etc. it is required, not only to clean the external organs of the body and the surrounding, but also to purify the internal organs by expelling the waste and toxic materials produced in the body due to digestion of food and metabolism. In order to clean the internal organs six purificatory processes have been prescribed in Hatha Yoga. They are called ‘Satkarmas’.
The Satkarmas are–
(1) DHAUTI, for cleansing the oesophagus and the stomach;
(2) BASTI, for cleansing the alimentary canal from the large intestine to the anus;
(3) NETI, for cleansing the nasal passages and the sinus;
(4) NAULI, for massaging and cleansing the small and large intestine;
(5) KAPALBHATI, for cleansing the sinus region; and
(6) TRATAK, for cleansing the inner part of the ocular region and to improve eye-sight.
The treatises on yoga have described various kinds of Dhauti, Basti, Neti, Nauli, Kapalbhati and Tratak. Out of those, only a few of
the very important process of Satkarma have been described below.

DHAUTI (Stomach Wash)
The yoga sastras have mentioned about a number of Dhauti Kriyas. Out of those, a few easy processes have been described below.
(1) Vaman-Dhauti or Kunjal-Kriya :
Technique : Take two to two and half liters of luke-warm water in a jar and drink as much as you can. Don’t delay in drinking the content. Then, bend forward and vibrate the epiglottis by putting the index and middle fingers of the right hand into the mouth.
Vomiting tendency will come. By vibrating the epiglottis in this way vomit all the water contents that you drank. All the waste materials, phlegm etc. will come out along with the water. If vomiting with plain warm water is difficult drink saline warm
water for Vaman Dhauti.
Benefits : As a result of Dhauti, all the waste material accumulated in the stomach come out with the expelled water, and the stomach become clean. While vomiting, water gushes out forcefully through the oesophagus. As a result, the wastes and sediments sticking on the walls of the stomach and oesophagus experience a friction with water, are removed from walls and come out with the vomited water. The oesophagus and the stomach, getting properly cleansed, can function properly.

This Dhauti helps immensely in curing stomach disorders like dyspepsia, acidity etc.

In case of cough and cold, also, this Dhauti is very useful.

(2) Agnisar/Bahnisar Dhauti :
Technique : In order to practise Agnisar Dhauti, sit in any one of the Meditative postures (Dhyanasanas) and place both the hands on the respective knees. The processes after that may be done in two ways.
(1) Inhale deeply, and alongwith inhalation contract the lower abdomen and naval region and try to make the region touch the spinal column. After completion of inhalation, relax gradually in contracted regions, along with exhalation. After completion of exhalation, repeat the process, from a minimum of ten times to the maximum of sixty times.
(2) Exhale completely and make the stomach airfree. Then, do retention, contract the naval region and try to make the region touch the spinal column. Stay as long as you can with retention of breath, and then slowly, relax the naval region alongwith inhalation. Repeat the process from 10 times to 60 times.
Benefits : Regular practice of Agnisar Dhauti increases appetite. The spleen, Liver Pancreas become healthy, strong and more capable to work. Indigestion, acidity, stomach disorders etc. get cured.

(3) Barisar Dhauti Danda Dhauti :
For this Dhauti, collect a rubber pipe of half an inch radius and about three feet long, and keep the pipe ready by washing with soap and warm water and making it germ free. Drink at least 11⁄2 to 2 liters of tepid(luke warm) water. Immediately after drinking the water content, bend the body slightly forward and put the pipe inside the mouth and swallow it, push if into the stomach with the two hands till most part of the pipe goes inside. Keep six inches of the pipe outside the mouth. Initially, it may not be possible, there will be vomiting as soon as the pipe enters the throat and water with the pipe would gush out. After a few days of practice, it will be possible to push the whole pipe inside.

After one is habituated, water will automatically come out through the pipe like a stream soon as one leans forward. Allow the whole amount of water drank to go out and then pull out the pipe slowly. Wash the pipe with soap, dry it in shade and then keep it hanging somewhere for future use. 

Learn this practice first from an expert yoga practitioner and then only do it yourself.
Benefits : Barisar Dhauti removes the accumulated waste materials from the stomach and makes it clean. As a result, the internal organs inside the abdominal cavity can work properly. Diseases like dyspepsia, colitis, gastric, constipation get cured. This Dhauti helps a lot in curing diseases like caugh and cold, Tuberculosis and even laprosy.
(4) Vastra Dhauti : For Vastra Dhauti, a cotton cloth, measuring 21⁄2 inches to 3 inches wide and 20 feet to 25 feet long, whose both the sides are to be stitched properly is required. The Cloth is to be cleaned properly by washing with soap and be made germfree by deeping in boiled water. Take half a liter luke-warm water in a pot and keep the cloth folding in the water. Keep a glass of water at hand, to be used as and when required during practice.

Now sit squatting. Then, with the help of thumb and fore-finger of both the hands, take the cloth inside the mouth and slowly swallow it, pulling with the help of the tongue. In this way, swallow the whole cloth keeping about 6 inches outside the mouth. After swallowing the cloth, drink a few sips of water from the glass of water kept ready, and stir the inside of the stomach doing Uddian Bandha Mundra, Agnisar kriya and Nauli. Do these for a few minutes, and then slowly pull out the cloth with the help of thumb and fore-finger of both the hands,. Drink water, as and when felt necessary, while putting out the cloth. Take rest for at least five minutes, after the whole cloth comes out of the stomach, don’t take any food, except water, for about half an hour after Vastra Dhauti. Wash the cloth with soap, make it germ free, dry it on sun-shine and then keep it properly rolled for future use.

Benefits :  

  • Vastra Dhauti, the cloth taken into the stomach, rubs the sides of walls of the oesophagus and stomach and brings out the sedimented wastes and poisonous materials sticking there.The stomach and the oesophagus become clean and they can function well.
  • Diseases like acidity, colitis, dyspepsia etc. get cured.
  • Helps in curing asthma, bronchitis, cough and cold and all diseases related to phlegm.
  • Vastra Dhauti is useful in treatment of enlargement of spleen.

 Basti (Large Intestine Wash or Yogic Enema): Basti is a yogic technique of cleansing the large intestine. Basti is of two kinds– Jala Basti and Sthala Basti. Sthala Basti as called Suska Basti also. In Jala Basti, water from outside is sucked to the large intestine and removed from it through the anus. It is practised by landing in water. In Sthala Basti, air is sucked to the large intestine and expelled from it through the anus. In this Basti, one needs not go to water or use water.

The technique of both the Bastis are same. For practicing both the Basti kriyas, one needs to master Uddian Bandha Mudra and Nauli, because water in Jala Basti and air in Sthala Basti are drawn through the anus to the large intestine with the help of these
two kriyas. In order to practise Basti, it is required to sit in Utkatasana. After sitting in Utkatasana, water/air is sucked to the large intestine, through the anus, with the help of Uddian Bandha Mudra and Nauli. The practice is not that easy. This can be mastered only after regular and devoted practice for quite a few days.

Benefits : 

  • The practice of Basti removes all the forces, waste material, bacteria accumulated in the large intestine and the intestine become clean.
  • The large intestine become free from gas.
  • As a result of the large intestine becoming free from wastes and gas, blood is purified and the general health improves. Because, accumulation of waste materials in the intestine is the root cause of most of the diseases.

 Neti (Nasal Cleansing): Neti is a yogic technique for cleansing the two nasal passages
and the sinus. Neti can be practised in three ways–
1) Sutra Neti (Cleansing with a thread)
2) Jala Neti (Cleansing with water)
3) Catheter (Cleansing with a rubber tube)
(1) Sutra Neti : In order to practise Sutra-Neti first of all, prepare a strong thread of 1 mm. diameter and 15 inches long by winding thin cotton threads. Make the prepared thread germ free by dipping it in hot water and let it be dry. Then, push the thread into one of the nostrils and take if to the throat by snuffing. As soon as the thread reaches the throat, put the fingers into the mouth and draw the thread with the help of fingers and bring out from the mouth. Hold the two ends of the thread with two hands and slowly rub it in the nose by moving forward and backward. After rubbing in this way for sometime, bring out the thread through the mouth. Do the same process through the other nostril also. After performing Sutra Neti sniff water through the nose, and expel it through the mouth. At last, expel the remaining content of water inside by doing ‘rechaka’ forcefully for sometime. In doing so, the nostrils, sinus and the throat
become fully clear.

(2) Jala Neti :
In order to practice Jala Neti, the materials mentioned below are to be kept ready.
(1) About one litre of clean water. Mix a tea-spoonful of salt in the water so that there is
no burning sensation during inhalation of water. After a few days of practice, mixing of
salt will not be necessary.
(2) A small pot with a pipe so that water can be poured into the nose through it. Now a days, Neti-pot is also available. Wash the pot with soap and keep it clean.

For Jala Neti, get ready by standing or by squatting on Utkatasana. Fill the Neti-pot with water kept ready for the purpose. Now, by bending the head towards left, pour Jala Neti
water from the Neti-pot into the right nostril, sniff it, and expel through the left nostril. After pouring the whole content, fill the pot again. Now, lean towards the right side and pour water into the left nostril, sniff the water and expel it through the right nostril.

After completion of intaking and expelling water through both the nostrils in this way, do ‘rechaka’ forcefully for sometime and expel the remaining water from the nasal cavity.

(3) Catheter Neti: The technique of catheter Neti is same as that of the Sutra Neti. The only difference is that in Catheter Neti a rubber catheter (catheter No. 3) is used instead of a cotton thread.
Benefits of Neti : 

  • Neti Cleanses the nasal passages. Wastes and phlegm accumulated in the nasal passage and sinus region comes out, as a result of which there is free flow of air through the nasal passage. Germs like becteria, taking shelter in the nasal passage and sinus, comes out.
  • Diseases like sinusitis, migraine pain etc. get cured. Neti helps in reducing ear-pain also.
  • Neti helps immensely in relieving diseases like asthma, breathing-trouble, tonsilitis, dry caugh etc.
  • It cleanses the eye duct and helps in improvement of eye-sight.

Nauli: Nauli is a yogic technique in order to chura and massage the internal organs of the abdominal cavity.

There are three important parts in Nauli-‘Vama Nauli’, Dakshina Nauli and ‘Madhyama Nauli’. In order to practise these three parts of Nauli, first of all, one is required to have control over the ‘rectus abdominus’ muscles. One must be able to contract, extend and separate these muscles from other muscles. Along with that one must be able to practise well the Uddian Bandha Mudra.

For Nauli, it is required to keep the stomach empty. It is ideal to practise this kriya in the early morning, after getting up from bed, and getting clean after morning toilet and bath. There should be about six hours gap in between heavy meal and Nauli.

Technique : Stand, extending the feet 11⁄2 to 2 feet apart. Bend the body forward and keep the palms of the two hands on the respective knees. Exhale fully and do Uddian Bandha Mudra, by contracting the abdominal muscles inside. Do Kumbhaka (retention of breath) and push the muscles of the middle portion forward by contracting the muscles of the two sides of the abdomen. Thus, the extension of the abdominis rectus muscles forward by separating these from other muscles of the abdomen is called ‘Madhyama Nauli.’

Extension of the ‘abdominis rectus’ muscles forward on the left side of the abdomen by exerting pressure on the left hand and releasing pressure on the right hand, is called ‘Vama Nauli’.

In the same way, extension of the ‘abdominis rectus’ muscles forward on the right side of the abdomen by exerting presure on the right hand and releasing pressure on the left hand is called ‘Dakshina Nauli.’

After acquiring control over all the three kinds of Nauli, it becomes possible to rotate the ‘abdominis rectus’ muscles from left to right via middle, and from right to left via middle. Then only Nauli becomes complete.

Benefits : 

  • During the practice of Nauli, all the important internal organs of the abdominal cavity, like stomach intestine, liver, spleen, pancreas, urinary bladder, kidney etc. are exercised and massaged due to which blood circulation to these organs increases and the organs become more energetic and active. The organs become disease free.
  • Diseases like indigestion, dyspepsia. constipation, urinary disorders, kidney diseases, diabetes etc. get cured.
  • Nauli makes the secretion of hormone from endocrine glands, particularly from the sex-glands regular.

Kapalbhati (Cleansing of the Sinus):

 Kapalbhati is a technique of inhalation and exhalation for keeping the nasal cavity and the sinus clean. This technique has been described, in the Hatha Yoga treatises like ‘Hatha Yoga Pradipika’, ‘Gheranda Samhita’ etc. as one of the processes of ‘Satkarma’. Some teachers of yoga tries to popularise this kriya as Pranayama also.
Technique : In order to practise Kapalbhati, sit on any one of the meditative postures. Keep the hands on the respective knees. Now inhale and exhale forcefully. In other words do ‘Puraka’ and ‘Rechaka’ forcefully. Need not to do ‘Kumbhaka’. Don’t give importance to inhalation, inhalation will be automatic. Give importance to exhalation
only. Alongwith exhalation, the abdomen will contract inside. No force is required. In this way, do Kapalbhati 100 times, at the rate of one stroke per second. After 100 times, take rest for a while and then do again. In this way, do Kapalbhati for atleast 500 times.

Kapalbhati is to practised on empty stomach. A minimum gap of four hours is required between heavy meal and kapalbhati. The best time to practise kapalbhati is the morning hours after toilet and bath.


  • Practice of Kapalbhati cleanses the nasal cavity and passage and make it easy for breathing.
  • Kapalbhati cures all diseases related to breathing and phlegm.
  • Kapalbhati helps a lot in increasing the oxygen level in blood.
  • As a result of this practice, the abdominal musclas become strong.
  • Kapalbhati prepares the respiratory organs and system for pranayama. 

Caution : People suffering from High Blood Pressure, Heart Disease, Gastric ulcer etc. are not to practise Kapalbhati. In case, they want to practise– they may do so after consultation with medical expert and under the guidance of yoga specialist.

Tratak (Concentrated Gazing):

Tratak is a technique of gazing at an object or a point without blinking the eyes, with rapt attention so long tears come out of the eyes.
Technique : Sit on any of the meditative postures. Keep the spine erect and body completely relaxed. Keep a lighted lamp of ghee, or a lighted candle or a small photo, or a picture of a flower in front of the eyes, about 2ft. away and at the same height of the eyes. Breathing will be usual. Now fix your eyes on the object, and look at to it without blinking the eyes and observe the object very minutely. Don’t stress the eyes, simply keep the eyes open and observe the object till tears come out. When tears come out, slowly close the eyes and look to the shadow of the object appeared inside. As soon as the shadow disappears, open the eyes again, and repeat the process. After repetition of the process for few times, close the eyes with the two palms for a minute or so. Then,
wash the eyes with cold water.

Over and above this technique, Tratak can be practised by gazing at the rising sun, the moon and the stars at night.

Benefits :

  • Eye diseases are cured. It is mention in the Gheranda Samhita that regular practice of Tratak cures twenty kinds of eye diseases.
  • The power of eye-sight increases.
  • Power of concentration and memory increase.
  • Helps in developing intellectual talent.
  • Mental anxiety, depressing, negative thoughts, insomnia etc. are cured.
  • The Third Eye (Ajna Chakra) become active.



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