Ten golden rules of yoga

Ten golden rules of yoga

  1. Always practice in empty stomach or allow at least 3-4 hrs after food for digestion before we begin practicing yoga so as not to hurt our internal organs like large intestine and small intestine.
  2. Always wear soft and comfortable clothing since tight clothing restricts movements and baggy clothing will keep getting in the way.
  3. Always perform yoga in a well ventilated area or where the wind is gentle if we are practicing outside to get fresh air free from dust.
  4. Always practice yoga on a yoga mat so that we don't hurt our joins during practice.
  5. Always practice yoga barefoot as it might restrict blood flow.
  6. Always practice with patience, care and attention
  7. Regular practice is the key to progress and gaining the benefits of yoga.
  8. After practicing yoga allow at least 20 mins rest before eating a light meal or 1 hour for heavy meal.


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