Question Papers(2018)

Question Papers(2018)


Full Marks: 100 Times: 3 Hrs
Pass Marks: 40

1. Answer any Four 3x10=30

     a) Define Yoga. Write an essay on the origin of Yoga ?
     b) Explain briefly about ‘Panchadharana’ ?
     c) Write about the classification of Asana ?

2. Write short note on ( any three) 3x10=30
     a) Bhakti Yoga
     b) Raja Yoga
     c) Hatha Yoga
     d) Jnana Yoga
     e) Meditation
     f) Importance of chanting prayer

3. Answer any two 5x2=10
     a) What is ‘Sat-Chakra’? Name the Chakras and locate its positions.
     b) What is ‘Pancha-Vayu’ ? Explain
     c) Write an essay on ‘International Yoga Day’.

4. Write an essay (any One) 1x10=10
     a) Is Yoga a Science, or Arts
     b) Yoga and Character building

5. Answer the following question 2x5=10
     a) Name 5 yogis of ancient India.
     b) Name 5 yogis of modern India.
     c) Name five books written by Swami Shivananda Sarswati.
     d) Name any Five Yoga Shastras ?
     e) Name five Yoga Research centres in India ?

6. Project and Home Assignment. 10  



Full Marks: 100 Times: 3 Hrs
Pass Marks: 40

1. Fill up the blanks- 1x5=5

     a) ___________ Mudra is called Mrityumatanga Keshari. .
     b) Sarvangasana is a ____________ (Asana/Mudra/Both).
     c) Nasal cavity can be cleaned by practice of ___________.
     d) __________ helps to cure constipation (Barisar dhouti/ Bastikriya).
     e) Forward bending yogic modalities should not be given to the persons suffering

2. Answer in short
     a) What do you mean by “PRANAYAM”, describe briefly about its mechanism. 2+4
     b) Describe general rules to be followed for Yoga practice. 5
     c) What is Mudra? Discuss procedure and benefits of any two mudra. 2+4
     d) How Yoga tackle diseases? 3

3. What are the differences between Yogic modalities and other forms of exercises? 10

4. “Mudras” should not be practice by boys and girls below age of 12 years “-why?

5. Write Short notes of the followings (any six) 5X6=30
     a) Universal prayer
     b) Foot bath
     c) Sun bath
     d) Fasting
     e) Surya Namaskar
     f) Bhraman Pranayam
     g) Massage Therapy
     h) Viparit karani mudra
     i) Vitamins

5. Give a comparative analysis on Yoga & Naturopathy Treatment Vs. Modern Medical
Treatment ?

6. What is Food? What are the main elements of ideal food? Why food in required? 2+5

7. What should be qualities of a yoga teacher? 5

8. Frame a Yoga teaching module for 9-12 years age group students? 10 


Full Marks: 100 Times: 3 Hrs.
Pass Marks: 40

1. Fill in the blanks: 1 x 10 = 10
     a) Osteology means …………………………
     b) The uppermost layer of the bone is …………………
     c) …………………. Skeleton consists of upper and lower limbs.
     d) The adult vertebral column measures ……………………. cm.
     e) The outer covering is known as …………………………
     f) The pulse rate per minute of new born baby is …………………..
     g) Liver secrets ………………….. and ………………………..
     h) ………………. Is the largest gland of the body.
     i) The lowest part of the Gall Bladder is …………………
     j) The secretions of the Thyroid gland are regulated by …………….....

2. State True or False : 1 x 10 = 10
     a) Color of the Kidney is purple.
     b) Biles secreted from liver enter into duodenum through common bile duct.
     c) The adult weight of the kidney is about 125 gm.
     d) Elbow and Knee is the example of saddle joints.
     e) Esophagus is a muscular tube having 23-25 cm.
     f) Lower limbs consist of 52 bones.
     g) The primary unit of body is Cell.
     h) T1-T12 forms the back of the Chest.
     i) The Heart sounds like LUBB & DUP.
     j) The average Blood Pressure of a normal person 120/80 mm/Hg.

3. Write Short note on the following: 3 x 5 = 15
     a) Skin
     b) Gall Bladder
     c) Spleen
     d) Diaphragm
     e) Duodenum
     f) Liver

4. What is Blood? What are the compositions and functions of Blood? 2 + 3 = 5

5. Explain briefly about Blood Pressure? 56. Define Arthrology? Explain briefly about Arthrology? 5

7. Explain with diagram about Vertebral Column? 5

8. Draw a neat diagram of Human Rib Cage? Explain. 5

9. Briefly describe about Digestive System with proper diagram? 10

10. Define Glands? What are the difference between Endocrine and Exocrine Glands?
Explain briefly about the Pituitary Gland with neat diagram?

11. Explain about the structure of Heart with diagram? 10

12. Project Assignment. 10



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