Question Papers (2017)

Question Papers (2017)

Paper - I: Yoga Introduction

1. Answer any Four. 4x15=60
a) Define Yoga. Write an essay on the origin of Yoga?
b) Discuss the relation between Astanga Yoga and Sadanga Yoga?
c) Why Patanjali Yoga Darshan is called "Raja Yoga"?
d) Discuss the aim and objects of Yoga. How Yoga makes a man perfect?
e) Establish a relation between Sadanga Yoga and Satkarma?

2. Answer any two. 5x2=10
a) Write an essay on Vritti?
b) What is 'Sat-Chakra'? Name the Chakras and locate its positions.
c) How Asamprjanta Samadhi can be attained?
d) Write an essay on Raja Yoga.

3. Write an essay (any one). 1x10=10
a) Is Yoga a Science or Arts
b) Yoga as a Healthy life style

4. Answer the following questions. 2x5=10
a) Name the author of 'The Synthesis of Yoga', and 'The Complete Book of Yoga'?
b) What is Pancha Vayu? Name its Components?
c) How many shlokas are there in Samadhi Pada, sadhanPada, Bibhuti pada and Kaivlya Pada?
d) Name any Five Yoga Shastras?
e) Name five Yoga Research centres in India?

5. Project and Home Assignment. 10

Paper - II: Yoga Vigyan

1. Fill in the blanks. 1x5=5
a)__________ Pranayam can be practiced during walking.
b) Sarvangasana is __________ (Asana/ Mudra/ Both).
c) Aswinimudra helps to cure __________.
d) Nasal cavity can be cleaned by practice of __________.
e) The number of "Thought Wave" (ChitraVritti) according to Patanjali is __________ ( Three/ Four/ Five).

2. Write Short notes of the followings (any five) 3x5=15
a) Eye bath                                    b) Foot bath                                    c) Nasapan 
d) Hip bath                                    e) Dhoutikriya                                f) Shakti-chalini Mudra 
g) Fasting                                      h) Naturopathy

3. What is Pranayam? Write the benefits of Pranayam? State the general mechanism of Pranayam? What are the difference between SahajPranayam and LaghuPranayam? 2+5+5+3=15

4. Give a comparative analysis on Yoga & Naturopathy Treatment Vs. Modern Medical Treatment? 8

5. Write down the differences between Yogic exercise and other exercises? 7

6. How Yoga tackle diseases? 7

7. What is massage Therapy? What are its advantages? 3+5=8

8. Write Essay on - (any one) 10
a) Role of a Yoga Teacher
b) Yoga and Youth unrest

9. Write short notes on - (any three) 5x3=15
a) Meditation
b) Universal Prayer
c) Shirshasana
e) Limitation of Yoga Therapy
f) Hydro therapy

10.  Form a Yoga teaching module for 9-12 years age group students?

Paper - III: Anatomy & Physiology

Answer the following:
1. Name five service organs of men and women? 5
2. What are the main carriers of the Blood? 3
3. Write Short notes on any two of the followings. 5x2=10
(a) Liver (b) Lungs (c) Pancreas
4. What are the functions of the Digestive System? 5
5. Name five sense organs of human being? 5
6. Write down the functions of bone? 5
7. What are the organs responsible for circulatory system? 5
8. How many types of bones are there? 5
9. What do you mean by physical health and mental health? 6
10. What are the functions of Cholesterol? 6
11. What is the normal Blood Cholesterol? 2
12. What is normal Blood Sugar Level? 2
13. What is meant by Diabetes? 3
14. How Vitamins are Classified? 2
15. What is meant by Gastritis? 3
16. What are the signs of Vitamin A deficiency? 3
17. What is the daily requirement of Vitamin D? 2
18. What are the structures of the heart? 2
19. What is the Normal Pulse Rate? 2
20. What are the points to be noted while examining a pulse? 2
21. What is the normal Blood pressure in man? 2
22. What are the functions of respiration? 5
23. What are the functions of Spinal Chord? 5
24. What are the functions of skin? 5
25. Draw the diagram of Human Rib Cage. 5


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