Setu Bandhasana (The Bridge Posture)

Setu Bandhasana (The Bridge Posture)

Setu Bandhasana means formation of bridge. In this posture, the body is positioned like a bridge, hence the name. This is also called as Catuspadasana.

Sthiti: Supine lying Savasana.

  • Bend both the legs at the knees and bring the heels near the buttocks.
  • While holding both the ankles firmly keep the knees and feet in one straight line.
  • Inhale; slowly raise your buttocks and trunk up as much as you can to form bridge.
  • Remain in this position for 10-30 seconds, with normal breathing.
  • Exhale, slowly return to the original position and relax in savasana.
  • In the final position, the shoulders and the head remain in contact with the floor.
  • If required, in the final position, you can support your body at the waist with your hands.
  • Relieves depression and anxiety and strengthens lower back muscles.
  • Stretches abdominal organs, improves digestion and helps to relieve constipation.
A word of caution:
  • People suffering from ulcers and hernia, and women in advanced stages of pregnancy should not practice this asana.


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