Paper I: Yoga Introduction (Notes)
General Instruction for practicing yoga
1. Do not perform asana immediately after a meal, leave about 4hrs after heavy meal and at least 2hrs after a light meal. Avoid stimulating drinks.
2. Yoga/asana can be performed before or after bath allow about half an hour between asana and bath
3. Asana and physical exercise (gym) should not be combined.
4. Women shouln't do asana during menstrual period. One shouldn't practice asana after figth month of pregnancy and if she wants to do then she must consult a doctor or yoga instructor
5. Daily practice is essential for fast progress.
Who was the founder of yoga?
Sage Patanjali was the first person to present the ancient tradition of yoga in a sytematic way. Sage patanjali lived around 200 BC
What are the benefits of yoga?
- Increases lung capacity and stabilizes breathing
- Enhances digestion
- Improves the blood circulation
- Enhances concentration
- Removes stress tension
- Increases flexibility
- Builds muscle strength
- It helps in improving posture
- Helps in weight loss
- Provides energy
- Reduces fear, anxiety and worries
- Keeps blood pressure and pulse rate in check
- Increases body balance and flexibility
History of yoga
Yoga was originated and practised by the Bhratt sages 6000yrs in the past. It was called BHARATT since "BHA" in sanskrit means knowledge(gyan) and "RATT" means engrossed. The place where people remained engaged in knowledged lived in BHARAT.
After that Sage Patanjali scripted it in "YOGA DARSHAN" for the first time, some 2500 yrs back during excavation of INdus Valley civilization in 2700BC it was found that yoga was prevalent in ancient India.
What is Yoga?
Yoga has been derived from the sanskrit word "YOG" which means to unite. Thus, yoga means an effort to write the individual with the self conciousness which we name as God.
Yoga is a science of healthy and rightful way of living yoga helps in all round development of personality, physical good health, capacity to counter environmental pollution, form immunity to harmful virus and bacteria, maintain mental, emotional and psychic balance in all odd.
Benefits of Yoga
i)At physical level: It helps one in the development of stamina, endurance and physical strenght when needed
ii) At mental level: It imports calmness, peacefulness, harmony and contentment
iii) At spiritual level: It leads to increased concentration, thoughtfulness and positivity in life.
Paths Of yoga
i)Karma yoga ii) bhakti yoga ii)raja yoga iv) jnana yoga
i) Karma Yoga: Karma yoga is also known as the yoga of action. It is a good path with someone who is outgoing and enjoys a certain sense of spiritual activism to help others.
ii) Bhakti yoga: Bhakti yoga is also known as the path of devotion. It is a good path for someone with an emotional nature and enjoys prayer, worship and seeking good through unconditionally loving others.
iii) Raja yoga: Raja yoga is also known as the science of the mind. It is the path that take us on a comprehensive journey to understanding out mind and thoughts. It is a path for those who are interested in meditaiton and its effects on the mind.
iv) Jnana Yoga: Jnana yoga is also known as the yoga of knowledge. It is a good path for those with strong intellectual tendencies as it requires great strength of will and mind.
Why should we do asanas?
a)Regular practice of asana is very essential to lead a deisease free life.
b)Asanas work as manure and pranayamas water in this filed of body to increase productivity and output.
c) All the body systems such as blood circulation system, digestive system, respiratory system, excretory system are toned up when we perform asanas regularly.
d) All the bones, muscles, blood vessels , glands, vital organs, nervous system function normally.
e) Asanas enhance our immunity system and capacity to withstand pollution and environmental changes.
f) Body stamina and endurance is enhanced.
g) It helps in curing of even incurable diseases
h) It helps in overcoming our ill traits and distractions such as greed, lethargy, anger etc
i) stability and strength in the body is rejuvenated
g) all the five elements (water, earth, fire, air and other) remain balance int the body.
Benefits of yoga asanas
1. According to pathanjali rishi , " Asana is a posture in which we are composed , stable,un shattered, in equilibrium.
2. Different asana were devised to be composed to concentrate on specific portion of a body to grasp universal bliss.
3. The definition given in yoga shastra is "स्थिर सुखासन", a posture in which a person remains stead fast and be in a feeling of bliss.
4. A particular asana purifies our particular system. glands, organs , muscles and cells of our body.
5. Our body starts producing hormones, which help us in self upliftment. once we start staying unshattered in any asana for a long time.
Types of food
There are three types of food:
i) Sattvic: Those foods which purify our body and calm the mind
cooked food that is consumed whithin 3-4 hrs can be consired as sattvic food
eg. fresh fruits , green leafy vegtables, nuts, grains and fresh milk.
ii) Rajasic food:
Those food which stimulate the body and mind into action
if they are consumed excess those foods can cause hyperactivity, restlessness, anger, irritability and sleeplessness.
Rajasic are overly tasty foods.
eg. spicy food , onion, garlic, tea, coffee and fried food.
iii) Tamasic food: Those foods which makes the mind dull and bring about inertia, confusion and disorientaiton.
stale or reheated food, oily or heavy food and food containg artificial preservatives fall under tamasic food category
eg. non vegetarian diet stale food excessive intake of fats oil and sugary food.
Gyan Mudra
Gesture of knowledge
The word gyan means wisdom in sanskrit thus practicing the gyan mudra is believed to help instill wisdom and spiritual enlightment
This is why gyan mudra is widely used in many yogic meditation poses such as pranayama.
The gyan mdura is also known as the chin mudra
Increaes memory
sharpens brain
enhances conectration
prevents insomnia
prevent high blood pressure
reduces mental imbalance
reduces paranoia
reduces insaniry
reduces anger
decreases laziness
increases happiness
improves efficiency of nervous system
beneficial for people having migraine
helps in the treatment of depression and agitation.
Steps: The gyan mudra shoudl ideally be performed along with meditative asana. here are the steps of gyan mdura
i) Sit down in a meditative pose such as the sukhasana(easy pose), vajrasana (diamon pose) or padmasana(lotus pose). we may even perform the gyan mudra while standing in the tadasana(mounttain pose) or sitting comfortably on a chair.
ii) ensure that our back is held straight and out chest and head held up high
iii) Rest the hands on the knees with our palms facing upwards
iv) ouch the tip of the index finger to the tip of the thumb the rest of the finger should be help straight and parallel to each other, This mudra is performed with both hands.
v) Close our eyes and focus on our breadth
vi) To further enhance the effectiveness of the gyan mudra, we may chant the words om(aum) in conjunction with every exhale
The goal of yoga
Maharishi patanjali explained that when the mind is kept very calm and quiet for a long time in dhyana, we become united with the soul and attain salvation. if a person attains salvation he reaches the goal of yoga. This goal is called sama.
Requirements of Yoga
Sage Patanjali thought that we must perform yoga very differently and watchfully. He also taught us to keep an even mind success or failure and to live simply and avoid temptation.
The great sage further advised that we must cutivate good character truth and to be friendly, kind compassionate and cheerful. he said that do not look for faults in others but always try to improve yourself.
*There are 84 lakhs asanas but for our comfort and health we practice only 32 asanas.
Problems on the path of yoga
The wise pathajali was careful to point out the obstacles that we may face while following the path of yoga. He warned us beware of ignorance, self-importance, anger, hatred and excessive attachment. He explained that sickness, laziness, doubt and lack of concentration are all hurdles on this path.
The path of yoga
To enable us to cultivate the good qualities and overcome the hurdles, patanjali laid down and eight fold path. This unique path is known as Astanga - yoga of patanjali. A person who follows this path is called a yogi.
What was the name of patanajli mother?
Gonika was the name of patanjali Mother.
What does the name patanjali mean?
Ans: 'Pata' means falling and 'anjali' means palms folded in prayer(joining palms of the hand) i.e patan + anjali
Certain recommendations designed to enhance the results of asanas in daily life.
It is advised to stay hydrated throughout the day and have at least eight ounces of water befor e the practice of asanas.
Points to remember before yoga practice (golden rules of yoga)
1. Make sure you have enough floor space so you can move without bumping into anything.
2. practice with empty stomach (2-3 hours after-eating, 1/2 hours after liquids)
3. wear loose clothing
4. No shoes - Bare feet are essential
5. Workout on a clean mat or other surface that is not too hard , too soft or slippery.
6. Be gentle with yourself move slow and cautiously.
7. Breathe slowly an deeply.
8. Don't overdo any exercise, stay within your limits.
A system of therapy that is based on preventive care and on the use of physical forces such as heat, water, air, light and massage as primary therapy for diseases.
Six principles of naturopathy
1. Believe in nature's healing power and in body's inherent tendency to heal itself.
2. Looking beyond symptoms to identify and treat underlying causes.
3. Basically treating and preventing the patient in curable way(natural way to cure).
4. Teaching patient natural way to maintain a good health.
5. Viewing body as a integration of physical and spiritaul aspects.
6. Focusing on prevention. maintaining overall wellbeing.
Method of naturopathy
1. Mud Therapy:
2. Water Therapy:
3. Acupressure:
4. Massage Therapy:
5. Air Therapy:
6. Colour Therapy:
1. Mud Therapy: Mud therapy is done with mud pack and mud bath. It is useful in curing skin condition such as boils, pimples and patches and is also effective in improving digestion. Mud absorbs toxins from the body. relaxes the body and reduces swelling.
2. Water Therapy: Water is one of the most important elements of human body. Water therapy utilizes water in cold and hot state for application on the body water is also utilized in bathing, drinking water therapy and enema.
3. Acupressure: Human body has approximately 1000 acupressure point of which 90-100 are very useful in curing common ailments. Acupressure therapy could cure many conditions and help in maintaining a good health. It is useful in improving digestive system, heart, eyes and strengthening joints.
4. Massage Therapy: This therapy is useful in improving blood circulation, toning muscles and relieving fatigue. It also helps in opening up clogged pores of the skin which is essential for letting out harmful toxins from the body through sweat.
5. Air Therapy: Oxygen from green plants of nature is very beneficial for human body. Therefore walking in fresh air is essential for overall well being. This must be combined with the right breathing.
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