
Showing posts from March, 2021


 Sarkarma: Before going to start practicing the limbs of yoga, like Asana, Pranayama etc. it is required, not only to clean the external organs of the body and the surrounding, but also to purify the internal organs by expelling the waste and toxic materials produced in the body due to digestion of food and metabolism. In order to clean the internal organs six purificatory processes have been prescribed in Hatha Yoga. They are called ‘Satkarmas’. The Satkarmas are– (1) DHAUTI, for cleansing the oesophagus and the stomach; (2) BASTI, for cleansing the alimentary canal from the large intestine to the anus; (3) NETI, for cleansing the nasal passages and the sinus; (4) NAULI, for massaging and cleansing the small and large intestine; (5) KAPALBHATI, for cleansing the sinus region; and (6) TRATAK, for cleansing the inner part of the ocular region and to improve eye-sight. The treatises on yoga have described various kinds of Dhauti, Basti, Neti, Nauli, Kapalbhati and Tratak. Out of thos...

asana and mudra

 (i) Dhyanasanas (Meditative postures): For practice of meditation one is required to sit in such a posture where the trunk, the head and the neck remain erect and perpendicular to the floor. Steadiness, ease and erection of the trunk and the head are very important in meditation. The asanas in which these features are prominent and which facilitate meditation are called Dhyanasanas (Meditative Postures) . The Dhyanasanas are- Sukhasana ,Swastikasana, Siddhasana, Padmasana, Vajrasana and Veerasana. Bhadrasana and Gomokhasana may also be used as meditative asana. When they are used for meditation, they are termed as meditative postures; otherwise, they are termed as cultural postures;   (ii) Visranti Asanas (Relaxative or Resting postures) : These asanas are meant for relaxation of the body. These are used for taking rest after practicing the cultural postures. In these asanas, all the limbs and muscles of the body are fully relaxed. The mind is also made tension- free and re...

Yoga Vigyana(Pranayam)

 Laghu Pranayama aka Hatha yoga pranayama Surya Bheda Ujjaiyi Sitkari Sitali Bhastrika Bhramari Murcha Plavini   Surya Bheda: For practising Surya-Bheda Pranayama, sit in Padmasana or any one of the Meditative Asanas, keeping the head, neck and spine erect and the body at ease and relaxed. Keep the left hand on the left knee in Jnana Mudra. Do Nasika Mundra with the right hand and close the left nostril with the ring fingers of the right hand. Do Puraka, deeply inhaling with the right nostril. After completion of Puraka, do Kumbhak to the possible extent and then do rechaka with the left nostril, closing the right nostril. Benefits :   Breathing through the right nostril i.e., the Surya Nadi, increases heat in the body. So, Surya Bheda Pranayama is very useful during winter and not useful during summer. It increases the utility of the body.  It helps immensely in reducing mental pressure like depression, anxiety, mental unrest. It cures dispepsia, gastric etc. by in...

Paper - I: Yoga Introduction 2017 (Solved)

  Question Papers (2017) Paper - I: Yoga Introduction 1. Answer any Four. 4x15=60 a) Define Yoga. Write an essay on the origin of Yoga? b) Discuss the relation between Astanga Yoga and Sadanga Yoga? c) Why Patanjali Yoga Darshan is called "Raja Yoga"? d) Discuss the aim and objects of Yoga. How Yoga makes a man perfect? Ans: Yoga has diverse range of things to offer mankind. Hence, the aims and objectives for practicing yoga may be varied and may vary from person to person, depending upon their basic disciplines, trades and professions, needs and requirements and problems they face in their walks of life. Broadly, the objectives are – i) To bring peace and tranquility of mind, freeing it from all stress and strains, worries and anxieties; ii)  To bring balance and harmony in the body-mind-soul complex; iii) To explore and unfold the latent talents, by controlling nature both external and internal, annihilating the evils within; iv) To gain sound health; v) To t...

Part I: Yoga Introduction (solved question paper 2018)

  1. Answer any Four  3x10=30 a) Define Yoga. Write an essay on the origin of Yoga ?      Yoga has been derived from the Sanskrit word "YOG" which means to unite. Thus, yoga means an effort to unite the individual with the self consciousness which we name as God.      Yoga is a science of healthy and rightful way of living yoga helps in all round development of personality, physical good health, capacity to counter environmental pollution, form immunity to harmful virus and bacteria, maintain mental, emotional and psychic balance in all odd. Yoga has been defined variously in different scriptures and treatises on yoga. Though the definitions vary, the goal of all the definitions are one and the same, i.e., to know the Self, to unfold thedivinity within and to merge the individual self with the universal consciousness, experience the ‘Existence, Knowledge and Bliss Absolute’ and thereby to free oneself from the pains and sufferings that emerge from...