Paper - I: Yoga Introduction 2017 (Solved)


Question Papers (2017)

Paper - I: Yoga Introduction

1. Answer any Four. 4x15=60
a) Define Yoga. Write an essay on the origin of Yoga?
b) Discuss the relation between Astanga Yoga and Sadanga Yoga?
c) Why Patanjali Yoga Darshan is called "Raja Yoga"?
d) Discuss the aim and objects of Yoga. How Yoga makes a man perfect?
Ans: Yoga has diverse range of things to offer mankind. Hence, the aims
and objectives for practicing yoga may be varied and may vary from person
to person, depending upon their basic disciplines, trades and professions,
needs and requirements and problems they face in their walks of life.
Broadly, the objectives are –
i) To bring peace and tranquility of mind, freeing it from all stress and
strains, worries and anxieties;
ii)  To bring balance and harmony in the body-mind-soul complex;
iii) To explore and unfold the latent talents, by controlling nature both
external and internal, annihilating the evils within;
iv) To gain sound health;
v) To train the body and mind in a way to avoid rigidity and bring flexibility;
vi) To develop immunity and resistance power;
vii) To master the secrets of doing work efficiently and excel in tasks taken
viii) in the social complex, as well as, the global complex;
ix) To keep the internal body clean and detoxified and thereby render it
free from disease;
x) To transform a mundane life to a blissful godly life.
    The ultimate goal of yoga is to know one’s Self within and bring union between the individual Self (Atman) and the Universal Consciousness (Paramatman), to bridge between the microcosm and the macrocosm, and, thereby, to attain liberation (Moksha or Kaivalya) from the cares and anxieties, pains and sufferings of worldly life and enjoy Truth-Knowledge-Bliss-Absolute. For that, it is necessary to have a clear vision of the individual self. That is possible only when the mind (chitta) is made free from
modifications. Thus, annihilation of the propensities of mind (Chitta vritti nirodha) becomes the first objective.
e) Establish a relation between Sadanga Yoga and Satkarma?

2. Answer any two. 5x2=10
a) Write an essay on Vritti?
b) What is 'Sat-Chakra'? Name the Chakras and locate its positions.
c) How Asamprjanta Samadhi can be attained?
d) Write an essay on Raja Yoga.

3. Write an essay (any one). 1x10=10
a) Is Yoga a Science or Arts
b) Yoga as a Healthy life style

4. Answer the following questions. 2x5=10
a) Name the author of 'The Synthesis of Yoga', and 'The Complete Book of Yoga'?
Sri Aurobindo m Swami Vivekananda
b) What is Pancha Vayu? Name its Components?
c) How many shlokas are there in Samadhi Pada, sadhanPada, Bibhuti pada and Kaivlya Pada?
d) Name any Five Yoga Shastras?
e) Name five Yoga Research centres in India?

5. Project and Home Assignment. 10


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