Savasana (The Dead Body Posture)

Savasana (The Dead Body Posture)

Sava means dead body. The final position in this asana resembles a dead body.

Sthiti: Supine Relaxation Posture.

  • Lie down on your back with arms and legs comfortably apart.
  • Palms facing upward; eyes closed.
  • Relax the whole body consciously.
  • Become aware of natural breath and allow it to become rhythmic and slow.
  • Remain in the position till you feel refresh and relax.
  • Helps to relieve all kinds of tensions and gives rest to both body and mind.
  • Relaxes the whole psycho-physiological system.
  • The mind, which is constantly attracted to the outer world, takes a U-turn and moves inward, thus gradually getting absorbed; as the mind turns quiet and absorbed, the practitioner remains undisturbed by the external environment.
  • It is found very beneficial in the management of stress and its consequences.


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