
Showing posts from August, 2019

Bhujangasana(The Cobra Posture)

Bhujangasana(The Cobra Posture) Bhujanga means snake or cobra. In this asana, the body is raised like the hood of a snake. Stithi: Prone posture or Makarasana. Technique: Lie down on your stomach, rest your head on your hands and relax the body. Now join your legs and stretch your arms. Keep the forehead on the ground. Now place your hands just beside the body; keep palms and elbows on the ground. As you inhale slowly, lift the chin and chest come up to navel region. Stay there comfortably. This is called Sarala Bhujangasana. Now come back and place your forehead on the ground. Keep your palms besides the chest and raise your elbows where they are. Inhale; slowly lift the chin and chest up to navel region This is Bhujangasana. Exhale; rest your forehead on the ground and place your palms and rest your head on the palms and spread your legs and relax. Note: Keep the legs firm so that no load or strain is felt on the lumbar spine. Benefits: This ...

Ustrasana(Camel Posture)

Ustrasana(Camel Posture) Ustra means camel. The body in this posture resemble the posture of a camel, hence the name. Technique: Kneel down on the floor. Keep your thighs and feet together, toes pointing back and resting on the floor. Bring the knees and feet about one foot apart and stand on the knees. While inhaling bend backward. Be careful not to jerk the neck while bending backward. With exhalation place the right palm on right heel and left palm on left heel. In final position, thighs will be vertical to the floor and head tilted backwards. Weight of the body should be evenly supported by the arms and legs. Benefits: Ustrasana is   extremely useful for defective eyesight. This is useful in relieving back pain and neck pain. It helps to reduce fat over the abdomen and hips. It is helpful in digestive problems. A word of caution: Those suffering from high blood pressure, heart disease, hernia should not practice it.

Vrksanana(The Tree Posture)

Vrksanana(The Tree Posture) Vrksa means tree. The final position of this asana resembles the shape of a tree, hence the name. Technique: Stand with feet 2 inches apart. Focus on a point in front. Exhale, bend the right leg and place the foot on the inside of the left thigh. The heel should be touching  the perineum. Inhale and extend the arms up and join the palms. Stay in the position for 10 to 30 seconds and breathe normally. Exhale and bring the arms and right foot down. Relax and repeat the asana by bending the left leg. Benefits: Improves neuro-muscular coordination, balance, endurance and alertness.  It tones up the leg muscles and rejuvenates the ligaments also. A word of caution: Please avoid this practice in case of arthritis, vertigo and obesity.

Trikonasana(The Triangle Posture)

Trikonasana(The Triangle Posture) Trikona means triangle. Tri means three and kona is an angle. As this asana resemble three arms triangles made by the trunk and the limbs, it has been names Trikonasana. Technique: Stand on your feet comfortably apart. Slowly raise both the arms sideways till they are horizontal. Exhale, slowly bend to the right side and place the right hand just behind the right foot. The left arm is straight up, in line with the right arm. Turn the left palm forward. Turn your head and gaze at the tip of the left middle finger. Remain in the posture for 10-30 seconds with normal breathing. As you inhale slowly come up. Repeat for the left side. Benefits: Prevents flat foot. Strengthens calf, thigh and waist muscles. Makes the spine flexible, improves lungs capacity. A word of caution: Avoid this posture in case of slipped disc, sciatica, and after undergoing abdominal surgery. Do not do beyond limits and over do the lateral stret...

Ardha Chakrasana(The Half Wheel Posture)

Ardha Chakrasana(The Half Wheel Posture) Ardha means half and Chakra means wheel. In this posture, as the body takes the shape of a half wheel, hence it is called  Ardha Chakrasana. Technique: Support the back at the waist with all the fingers together pointing forward or downward. Drop the head backwards stretching the neck muscles. As you inhale, bend backward from the lumbar region; exhale and relax. Stay here for 10-30 seconds with normal breathing. Inhale and slowly come up. Benefits: Ardha chakrasana makes the spine flexible and strengthens the spinal nerves. Strengthens the neck muscles, and improves breathing capacity. Helps in cervical spondylitis. A word of caution: Avoid this posture in case of vertigo or a tendency to giddiness. Hypertensive patients shall bend with care.

TADASANA(Palm Tree Posture)

TADASANA(Palm Tree Posture) Tada means palm tree or mountain. This asana teaches one to attain stability and firmness and forms  the base for all the standing asanas. Technique: Stand with feet 2 inches apart. Interlock the fingers, and turn the wrist outwards. Now inhale, raise the arms up. Bring them in line with the shoulders. Raise the heels off the floor and balance on the toes. Stay in this position for 10-15 seconds. Exhale, bring the heels down. Release the interlock of the fingers and bring the arms down parallel to the trunk, and come back to standing posture. Benefits: This asana brings stability in the body, helps to clear up congestion of the spinal nerves, and corrects faulty posture. Helps to increase height up to a certain age. A word of caution: Avoid lifting the toes in case of acute cardiac problems varicose veins and vertigo.

Question Papers(2018)

Question Papers(2018) Paper-I: YOGA INTRODUCTION Full Marks: 100 Times: 3 Hrs Pass Marks: 40 1. Answer any Four 3x10=30      a) Define Yoga. Write an essay on the origin of Yoga ?      b) Explain briefly about ‘Panchadharana’ ?      c) Write about the classification of Asana ? 2. Write short note on ( any three) 3x10=30      a) Bhakti Yoga      b) Raja Yoga      c) Hatha Yoga      d) Jnana Yoga      e) Meditation      f) Importance of chanting prayer 3. Answer any two 5x2=10      a) What is ‘Sat-Chakra’? Name the Chakras and locate its positions.      b) What is ‘Pancha-Vayu’ ? Explain      c) Write an essay on ‘International Yoga Day’. 4. Write an essay (any One) 1x10=10      a) Is Yoga a Science, or Arts      b) Yoga and Character building 5. Answer the fo...


Asanas Tadasan Katichakrasan Tirjak(Ardha) Katichakrasan Trikonasana (The Triangle Posture) Porivarta Trikonasan Ardha Chandrasan Chandrasan Padahastason (The whole body stretch pose) Bhujangasan (Serpent Pose) Ardhashalabhasan (Locust Pose) Dhanurasan (Bow Pose) Ardhachakrasan (Half wheel pose) Purnachakrasan Marjarasan (Kumbhirasan) Sukhasan Birasan Bhadrasana(The Firm/ Auspicious Posture) Swastikasan Siddhasan Padmasan Vrksasana(The Tree Posture) Utkatasana (The Chair Posture) Garurasan Natrajasan Eka Padasan Sehatusakonasan Ushtrasana (Camel Pose) Gomukhsan (Cow - Face Pose) Pavanmuktasan (Gas-removing Pose) Paschimottansana (Lower Body-Stretch Pose) Janusirasana (Knee-Head Pose) Ardha Matsyendrasana (The Spinal Twist Pose) Halasana (Plough Pose) Vatayansana Vajrasan(Adamant Pose/ Thunderbolt Posture) Supta Bajrasan Shashangasana (Hare Pose) Savasan (Relaxation Pose) Naviasana Setu Bandhasana(The Bridge Posture) Surya Namaskar Akarna Dh...