
Showing posts from September, 2019

Question Papers (2017)

Question Papers (2017) Paper - I: Yoga Introduction 1. Answer any Four. 4x15=60 a) Define Yoga. Write an essay on the origin of Yoga? b) Discuss the relation between Astanga Yoga and Sadanga Yoga? c) Why Patanjali Yoga Darshan is called "Raja Yoga"? d) Discuss the aim and objects of Yoga. How Yoga makes a man perfect? e) Establish a relation between Sadanga Yoga and Satkarma? 2. Answer any two. 5x2=10 a) Write an essay on Vritti? b) What is 'Sat-Chakra'? Name the Chakras and locate its positions. c) How Asamprjanta Samadhi can be attained? d) Write an essay on Raja Yoga. 3. Write an essay (any one). 1x10=10 a) Is Yoga a Science or Arts b) Yoga as a Healthy life style 4. Answer the following questions. 2x5=10 a) Name the author of 'The Synthesis of Yoga', and 'The Complete Book of Yoga'? b) What is Pancha Vayu? Name its Components? c) How many shlokas are there in Samadhi Pada, sadhanPada, Bibhuti pada and ...

Utkatasana (Chair Pose)

Utkatasana (Chair Pose) Sthiti: Sama sthiti (Alert Posture) Technique: Inhale; lift your arms up at the shoulder level, palms facing downwards. Exhale; bend the knees and bring down your body to the squatting position. In the final position, both the arms and thighs should be parallel to the ground. Inhale; and straighten the body. Exhale while bringing down the hands. Repeat two more times. Notes: Strengthen knees' and hips' joint. Avoid this asana in case of acute conditions of arthritis.

Savasana (The Dead Body Posture)

Savasana (The Dead Body Posture) Sava means dead body. The final position in this asana resembles a dead body. Sthiti: Supine Relaxation Posture. Technique: Lie down on your back with arms and legs comfortably apart. Palms facing upward; eyes closed. Relax the whole body consciously. Become aware of natural breath and allow it to become rhythmic and slow. Remain in the position till you feel refresh and relax. Benefits: Helps to relieve all kinds of tensions and gives rest to both body and mind. Relaxes the whole psycho-physiological system. The mind, which is constantly attracted to the outer world, takes a U-turn and moves inward, thus gradually getting absorbed; as the mind turns quiet and absorbed, the practitioner remains undisturbed by the external environment. It is found very beneficial in the management of stress and its consequences.

Pavanmuktasana(The Wind Releasing Posture)

Pavanmuktasana(The Wind Releasing Posture) Pavana means wind and mukta means to release or to make free. As the name suggests, this asana is useful in removing wind or flatulence from the stomach and intestines. Sthiti: Savasana. Technique: Lie down flat on the back. Bend both the knees and bring the thighs to the chest. Interlock the fingers and clasp the shin below knees. Exhale; raise the head till your chin touches the knees and relax. This is Pavanamuktasana. Bring the head back to the ground. While exhaling, lower the legs to the floor. Rest in Savasana. Note: Synchronize your breathing with the leg movement. While touching the knee with the nose/forehead, you should be able to feel the lumbar region stretch; keep the eyes closed and focus your attention on the lumbar region. Benefits: Removes constipation; gives relief from flatulence, decrease the bloating sensation in the abdomen and aids digestion. Offers deep internal pressure, massage...

Setu Bandhasana (The Bridge Posture)

Setu Bandhasana (The Bridge Posture) Setu Bandhasana means formation of bridge. In this posture, the body is positioned like a bridge, hence the name. This is also called as Catuspadasana. Sthiti: Supine lying Savasana. Technique: Bend both the legs at the knees and bring the heels near the buttocks. While holding both the ankles firmly keep the knees and feet in one straight line. Inhale; slowly raise your buttocks and trunk up as much as you can to form bridge. Remain in this position for 10-30 seconds, with normal breathing. Exhale, slowly return to the original position and relax in savasana. Note: In the final position, the shoulders and the head remain in contact with the floor. If required, in the final position, you can support your body at the waist with your hands. Benefits: Relieves depression and anxiety and strengthens lower back muscles. Stretches abdominal organs, improves digestion and helps to relieve constipation. A word of cauti...

Sasangasana/ Shashankasana (The Hare Posture)

Sasangasana/ Shashankasana (The Hare Posture) Sasanka means hare. Sthiti: Vajrasana Technique: Sit in Vajrasana. Spread both the knees wide apart, keep the big toes touching. Keep the palms between the knees. Exhale and slowly stretch them full length. Bend forward and place the chin on the ground. Keep the arms paralle. Look in front and maintain the posture. Inhale and come up. Exhale and come back to Vajrasana. Stretch your legs back to Visramasana Benefits: It helps to reduce stress, anger etc. It tones up reproductive organs, relieves constipation, improves digestion and relieves back pain. A word of caution: Please avoid this posture in case of acute backache. Patients with osteoarthritis of the knees should exercise with caution or avoid Vajrasana. High blood pressure patients should not perform this practice.

Vajrasana(Thunderbolt Posture)

Vajrasana(Thunderbolt Posture) This can be considered as a meditative posture. While practicing it for meditative purposes, one should close his/her eyes at the final stage. Technique: Sit with extended legs together, hands by the side of the body, palm resting on the ground, fingers pointing forward. Fold the right leg at the knee and place the foot under the right buttock. Similarly folding the left leg, place left foot under the left buttock. Place both the heels so that the big toes overlap each other. Position of the buttocks in the space between the heels. Keep hands on respective knees. Keep the spine erect, gaze in front or close the eyes. While returning to the original position, bend a littler towards right side, take out your left leg and extend it. Similarly extend your right leg and return to the original position. Benefits: This asana strengthens thigh muscles and calf muscles. This asana is good for digestion. It provides firm base to the spi...

Bhadrasana (The Firm/ Auspicious Posture)

Bhadrasana (The Firm/ Auspicious Posture) Bhadra means firm or auspicious. Stithi: Long sitting posture (Visramasana) Technique: Sit erect with the legs stretched out straight in the front. Keep the hands beside the hips and palm resting on the floor. This is Dandasana. Now put the soles of your feet together. Exhale and clasp your hands together over your toes. Pull your heels as close as possible up to perineum region. If your thighs are not touching or are not close to the floor, place a soft cushion underneath the knees for support. This is the final position. Stay here for sometime. Benefits: Keeps the body firm and helps to stabilize the mind. Keeps the knees and hip joints healthy. Helps to relieve knee pain. Acts on the abdominal organs and releases any tension in the abdomen. Benefits women by relieving abdominal pain often experienced during menstruation. A word of caution: Avoid this practice in case of severe arthritis and sciatica. ...

Pada-Hastasana(The Hands to Feet Posture)

Pada-Hastasana(The Hands to Feet Posture) Pada means feet, hasta means hands. Therefore, Pada Hastasana means taking the palms down towards the feet. This is also referred as Uttanasana. Technique: Stand straight with feet 2 inches apart. Inhale slowly and raise the arms up. Stretch up the body from the waist. Exhale and bend forward until the trunk is parallel to the ground. Exhale, and bend forward until the entire palm rests on the ground. Maintain this final posture for 10-30 seconds. Those who are having stiff back should bend according to their capacity. Now inhale, come up slowly to the vertical position and stretch the arms above the head. Exhale and slowly return to the starting position in reverse order. Relax in Tadasana. Benefits: Makes the spine flexible, improves digestion, prevents constipation and menstrual problems A word of caution: Please avoid this practice in case of cardiac or back problems, abdominal inflammation, hernia and ul...